About APM
Asset Performance Management
Asset Performance Management (APM) is an approach to managing assets that prioritizes business objectives in addition to traditional asset reliability and availability goals. APM has become a primary enabler of digital transformation for asset management among industrial companies. Modern APM combines traditional asset management practices with new digital technologies for transformation advances in reliability & integrity inspections/maintenance execution, and ultimately, business performance. Coping up with the modern industrial requirements, CONEXUS SYSTEM has developed the comprehensive APM capability involving services and technology integration.
Starting from asset integrity testing involving ultrasonic testing, flaw detection etc. to asset reliability measures with prime focus on vibration analysis, infrared thermography etc., CONEXUS SYSTEM has comprehensive capabilities and equipment to address APM business requirements in their true essence. In addition to this, instrument calibrations & lifting equipment inspections also play vital role in achieving APM objectives and CONEXUS SYSTEM is well equipped with their capabilities. Carrying it forward to cathodic/corrosion protection, operation & maintenance (O&M) and manpower supply, CONEXUS SYSTEM understands and fulfills industrials requirements in best possible manner. Finally, lubrication management & certification services (integral part of APM business) are also well covered in CONEXUS SYSTEM portfolio.